恩典教堂 自由变形这一个适合它的所有框架。水彩
恩典教堂 自由变形这一个适合它的所有框架。水彩

来自: pinterest.com

恩典教堂 自由变形这一个适合它的所有框架。水彩画与水彩手绘图在公园坡,布鲁克林的位置。圣约翰名和第七大道。:Grace Church - James Anzalone // Liberal distortion on this one to fit it all in the frame. Ink and watercolor freehand sketch on location in Park Slope, Brooklyn. St Johns Place and 7th Avenue.:
李金磊   2015-12-17 13:21
恩典教堂 自由变形这一个适合它的所有框架。水彩画与水彩手绘图在公园坡,布鲁克林的位置。圣约翰名和第七大道。:Grace Church - James Anzalone // Liberal distortion on this one to fit it all in the frame. Ink and watercolor freehand sketch on location in Park Slope, Brooklyn. St Johns Place and 7th Avenue.: